Shanling M2S Compact Pocket Power

Shanling M2S


Sound Signature


Build Quality/Design/Functionality





  • Compact size, prefect as a low profile transport device, great price point, easy and intuitive to use
  • Good driving power for most iems and headphones
  • Bluetooth is excellent as is Hiby Link. Battery standby is truly amazing


  • Lack of balanced output
  • No touch screen for navigation
  • No case in the box not even a TPU case, Rotary wheel a bit loose

 Sound Signature

The Shanling M2s does not disappoint in the sound department, you would have thought with all those features they may have forgotten about the sound. But they have not, the M2s the sound is smooth and balanced, with plenty of power and authority. From sensitive in-ear monitors, to full size headphones, this player can handle most easy to medium hard to drive headphones with ease.

The only slight against the M2s is that more expensive players do have the upper hand in build quality and features most of the time (This has lots, but no balanced output). But also, high end players are more resolving of the finer detail in music.

For on the go use, the compactness of the M2s is truly excellent for the price, it is balanced with maybe a hint of warmth to the sound, never fatiguing but also not altering the sound of your headphones to a huge extent. It has good dynamics, but a slightly limited soundstage. Shanling M2S Audio Player Review

I feel that you would only start to notice the difference going up to mid-tier price levels, the Ibasso DX150 has more control and detail with a much wider spacious soundstage, although definitely not as portable as the M2s.

I enjoyed the M2s with iBasso it01s, IMR R1S and Oppo Pm3’s all the headphones were allowed enough driving power on high gain to allow for detail and control with a fairly good soundstage.

For the price point it is one of the best entry level daps at time of writing.


The M2s is a perfect partner for your daily commute, it is also the perfect transport for the audiophiles out there. Hook it up to an external DAC and you have a compact and enjoyable on the go rig. But on its own it really doesn’t disappoint with a clear, balanced if not slightly smooth sound that works with all sorts of headphones. Just don’t expect infinite amounts of detail or soundstage. Also, although I do like the rotary wheel I would have preferred a touchscreen for easier navigation.

This all being said I really have enjoyed the M2s for its sound and battery standby ready to play music whenever you want.