iBasso Audio SR1 Review



Sound Signature


Build Quality/Design/Accessories





  • Great Value, Removable Cables, Quality Leather Headband
  • Excellent design style and build quality, light weight
  • Powerful warm open natural sound signature


  • Limited availability might make these hard to get
  • Cable screw jack for 3.5 will protrude from source and cannot be flush
  • Source dependent, Stock earpads congest signature but easy fix with perforate pads

Sound Signature/Specification:

earphonia.com iBasso Audio SR1 Headphone Review

As always the most vital part of any Headphone review is the sound signature.

Let me start of by saying straight away that pad choice drastically changes the sound signature and moving to a perforated pad helps to give a more open spacious signature.

The SR1s have a well blended textured signature with strong bass and mid characteristics resulting in an overall weighty but warm signature. The bass slams with a weighted strength, powerful but not overwhelming. These are very musical, quick to resolve and versatile across many musical genres. This area gives overall body and produces a lush thick style, however not muddied but more rich in character. Sub bass has nice extension and is textured giving a more rounded feel.

This area of tuning should be very appealing to most and I’m sure it will have ideal strength and impact for many listeners out there, with its full style and versatile signature. There is slight overlap into the lower mid range but this wasn’t dominant, so doesn’t take too much focus away from the mids.

As there is colouring on the sound signature it took me a little while to get accustomed to it, as initially if felt quite weighted, thick and warmish. However after a little while listening, my perception learned to align with the style and resulted in an appreciation for the embracing immersive weighted but dynamic signature.

earphonia.com iBasso Audio SR1 Headphone Review

The instruments have natural presence and strong imaging, with the overall signature frequency range holding good balanced coherence with depth of body.

With the overall smooth rich style, the mids are full sounding, with a strong sizeable presence, especially with it comes to vocals which relay emotions very realistically. Well mastered tracks, especially high res jazz style shows off the signature richness and laid back style.

Uppermids again have a weighty presence adding to the warmth, fullness and sense of immersion.  Instruments have a natural feel, with good details and a slight sense of airy space between notes. Vocals, acoustic, classical, and Jazz genres worked especially well with the iBasso Audio SR1 headphones.

earphonia.com iBasso Audio SR1 Headphone Review

Treble presentation is well controlled with relatively fast decays, coupled with the slower overall attack style of this headphone. This results in good detail articulation and an accessible energetic open style feeling. There is no sight of harsh peaking or spiking as the frequencies push up the range. Due to the warmth of the overall signature, the treble adds to the layered effect and musicality of this headphone. Longer listening sessions are effortless and non fatiguing.

Now onto the one of the greatest strength of the SR1 – sound stage.  presence is immersive and full, with a strong surround presence and wide character.  Supporting the range of weight in the signature body, this in conjunction with the solid bass tuning works well. Coupled with the well layered texturing, this aspect gives the surround style to get fully mesmerised in, dropping you right to the heart and essence of the music.  Throw in the decent imaging, full richness, natural character and lush layering warmth you certainly get a signature that punches above it price point.

As this is iBasso Audio’s first step into the tough territory of Headphones, the team at earphonia.com are very impressed with this offering.  Staying true to their tuning purism, focus on musicality and affordability – the SR1 Headphones are a welcome addition to the already impressive iBasso Audio product range.

earphonia.com iBasso Audio SR1 Headphone Review

1 thought on “iBasso Audio SR1 Review

  • at 2:15 pm

    Great review. I feel that the review team balanced the need to be fair to the company while most importantly being honest about what they were hearing. I am excited to try this headphone. Nice photography as always.

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